Friday 26 June 2009

Israel Matzav: Fatah boasts about lynching two Israeli soldiers in 2000

Fatah boasts about lynching two Israeli soldiers in 2000

One of the most heinous acts of the early days of the 'intifadeh' was the lynch of two Israeli soldiers in a Ramallah police station in October 2000.

On October 12, 2000, two Israeli soldiers (Vadim Nurzhitz and Yossi Avrahami[1]), entered Ramallah and were arrested by the Palestinian Authority police. According to Israeli sources, the men were reservists, who on their way to reporting for duty entered Ramallah by mistake; Palestinian sources claimed that the men were armed and "dressed in civilian clothes, apparently on an undercover operation"[2], but their bodies in military uniform can be seen in photographs[3] and in video footage broadcast later on the TV. It was also reported that rumours were "circulating through the mob that the captives belonged to the feared and hated undercover units of the Israeli army which dress as Arabs" [4].

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Israel Matzav: Fatah boasts about lynching two Israeli soldiers in 2000

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