Wednesday 3 June 2009

Israel Matzav: Could Israel renege on the 'road map'?

Could Israel renege on the 'road map'?

President Obama dropped in on a meeting at the White House on Tuesday between Defense Minister Ehud Barak and National Security Adviser James Jones. Writing in the JPost, former far Left MK Naomi Chazan describes Obama's visit as 'particularly meaningful' coming just a few hours before Obama's departure to Riyadh. She believes that it was an attempt by Obama to show a 'balanced approach.' I believe it more likely that Obama dropped in to read Barak the riot act over Israel's defiance of his command to stop all building in the 'settlements,' including the eastern half of the City of Jerusalem. But Chazan's article raises an important point that deserves airing.
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Israel Matzav: Could Israel renege on the 'road map'?

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