Wednesday 24 June 2009

Israel Matzav: Christopher Hitchens on how Obama is handling Iran#links

Christopher Hitchens on how Obama is handling Iran

Christopher Hitchens has correctly summed up the inadequacy of President Obama's handling of Iran:

There is then the larger question of the Iranian theocracy and its continual, arrogant intervention in our affairs: its export of violence and cruelty and lies to Lebanon and Palestine and Iraq and its unashamed defiance of the United Nations, the European Union,

and the International Atomic Energy Agency on the nontrivial matter of nuclear weapons. I am sure that I was as impressed as anybody by our president's decision to quote Martin Luther King—rather late in the week—on the arc of justice and the way in which it eventually bends. It was just that in a time of crisis and urgency he was citing the wrong King text (the right one is to be found in the "Letter From a Birmingham Jail"), and it was also as if he were speaking as the president of Iceland or Uruguay rather than as president of these United States. Coexistence with a nuclearized, fascistic theocracy in Iran is impossible even in the short run. The mullahs understand this with perfect clarity. Why can't we?

Read All at :

Israel Matzav: Christopher Hitchens on how Obama is handling Iran

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