Thursday 11 June 2009

Israel Matzav: Bolton on Obama's foreign policy: Like Bush's second term, only worse

Bolton on Obama's foreign policy: Like Bush's second term, only worse

Former American ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton rips President Obama for his 'apology tour' and his abandonment of allies.

Conservative foreign policy is unabashedly pro-American, unashamed of American exceptionalism, unwilling to bend its knee to international organizations, and unapologetic about the need for the fullest range of dominant military capabilities. Its diplomacy is neither unilateralist nor multilateralist, but chooses its strategies, tactics, means and methods based on a hard-headed assessment of U.S. national interests, not on theologies about process. Most especially, conservatives understand that allies are different from adversaries, and that each should be treated accordingly.

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Israel Matzav: Bolton on Obama's foreign policy: Like Bush's second term, only worse

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