Thursday 11 June 2009

Israel Matzav: Bolton: 'Maybe the fallout from an Israeli attack on Iran wouldn't be so bad after all'

Bolton: 'Maybe the fallout from an Israeli attack on Iran wouldn't be so bad after all'

Former US ambassador to the UN John Bolton looks at the likely fallout of an Israeli attack on Iran's nuclear facilities and concludes that Israel's military option is 'unattractive' but failing to act would be 'even worse' (Hat Tip: Hot Air and Memeorandum). Significantly, if Bolton is correct, most of the Iranian response to an Israeli attack would be absorbed by Israel and not by the United States or other western countries. The retaliation would likely come from Hamas and Hezbullah, while Iran's own military response would be less significant. Here are some of the highlights.
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Israel Matzav: Bolton: 'Maybe the fallout from an Israeli attack on Iran wouldn't be so bad after all'

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