Sunday 7 June 2009

Israel Matzav: The apology President Obama didn't make at Buchenwald

The apology President Obama didn't make at Buchenwald

There was one apology President Obama didn't make when he spoke at Buchenwald on Friday, and it's one you're not likely to read about in most of the American mainstream media. President Obama went to the Ohrdruf subcamp of Buchenwald because his great uncle Charlie Payne had liberated the camp on April 4, 1945. In fact, Ohrdruf was the first camp that was liberated by American troops, and it was to there, eight days later, that Dwight Eisenhower invited the American media and Congress to visit to see the Nazi atrocities with their own eyes.

President Obama has commented on several occasions (including earlier on that interview with Tom Brokaw that I linked earlier) that Uncle Charlie suffered from what we today would call Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as a result of his experiences at Ohrdruf. Perhaps President Obama should apologize to Uncle Charlie - and to the Jewish people - on behalf of his own government, as explained by Rafael Medoff:
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Israel Matzav: The apology President Obama didn't make at Buchenwald

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