Tuesday 9 June 2009

Israel Matzav: America's first Muslim President?

America's first Muslim President?

Writing in the Washington Times, Frank Gaffney says that while Barack Hussein Obama may not be a Muslim (and Gaffney now apparently believes even that is debatable), he certainly aligns with the policies of Shari'a adherents.

Even more troubling were the commitments the president made in Cairo to promote Islam in America. For instance, he declared: "I consider it part of my responsibility as president of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear." He vowed to ensure that women can cover their heads, including, presumably, when having their photographs taken for passports, driver's licenses or other identification purposes. He also pledged to enable Muslims to engage in zakat, their faith's requirement for tithing, even though four of the eight types of charity called for by Shariah can be associated with terrorism. Not surprisingly, a number of Islamic "charities" in this country have been convicted of providing material support for terrorism.

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Israel Matzav: America's first Muslim President?

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