Tuesday 9 June 2009

I Heart Jews: Top 10 Jewish Superheroes To Look For On Free Comic Book Day

Top 10 Jewish Superheroes To Look For On Free Comic Book Day

>> Friday, May 1, 2009

Hey Nerds! Free Comic Book Day is tomorrow! In honor of this festive Saturday, I heart Jews presents our TOP 10 JEWISH SUPERHEROES (JEWPERHEROES) !

10. SABRA (a.k.a. Ruth Bat-Seraph)
Wow, this sexy Jewperhero sure doesn't keep her religious (or political) identity a secret! Her outfit is a freakin' Israeli flag, for Pete's sake! Known as the heroine of Israel, Sabra's name is indicative of both her birthplace, and a native fruit of Israel, which is thorny and scary, just like her energy quills.

9. COLOSSAL BOY (a.k.a Gim Allon)
If you couldn't tell from his adorable Jew-fro in the picture below, this mensch is totally chosen. He spent his Summers on a kibbutz! He also got his parent's blessing before joining the Legion of Super-Heroes. What a good boy!

8. SONGBIRD(a.k.a Melissa Joan Gold, a.k.a. Mimi Schwartz)

Songbird is a convert. Not to Judaisim, but to heroism, as she used to be a super villain, Screaming Mimi. Though she's currently one of the good guys, you still probably don't want to sit next to her in shul. Her voice is capable of causing all kinds of damage from anxiety to blindness. Rumor has it, her version of "Adon Olam" at last years High Holidays ceremony sent an entire minyan to the hospital.

7. ATOM SMASHER (a.k.a Albert Julian Rothstein)

If you squint, his atomic symbol could totally be a star of David. Also, even though we totally know that JSA stands for Justice Society of America, every time we see it we can't help thinking briefly that Atom Smasher was a member of the Jewish Student Association.

6. SASQUATCH (a.k.a. Walter Langkowski) He's like a harrier, more controlled, Canadian, Jewish Hulk. Awesome.

Read Much More at :

I Heart Jews: Top 10 Jewish Superheroes To Look For On Free Comic Book Day

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