Monday 8 June 2009

Chesler Chronicles » Obama Throws Muslim Women Under the Bus

Obama Throws Muslim Women Under the Bus

Is it just me or has anyone else noticed how the North American mainstream media has consistently been mainstreaming the subject of Islam and veiled Muslim women as a friendly, feel-good kinda subject, nothing to be afraid of, something that may be “different” but that we are obligated to understand and accept? Specifically, the mainstream pro-feminist/pro-human rights media are arguing that Muslim women in hijab are “choosing” to face-veil themselves or to wear headscarves for religious reasons–and since North America is comprised of immigrants in search of religious freedom, such acceptance is actually part of our own tradition. We must understand that some Muslim girls and women are hurt, offended when we assume that they have been forced to veil when that might not be the case. Some Muslim girls are also quite happily attending women-only proms; they view hijab as “liberating” them from the sex object treatment reserved for uncovered women.

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Chesler Chronicles » Obama Throws Muslim Women Under the Bus

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