Thursday 4 June 2009

Chesler Chronicles » The Arkansas Shooting as Islamic Jihad. How Will Obama Label the Attack?

According to my esteemed colleague Steven Emerson, (and as I noted yesterday), Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammed has been under investigation in an effort to understand his “possible contacts with extremists overseas.” Emerson believes that Muhammed probably attended “the (Al-Da’awah Center) madrassa in Dammaj, a tribal area of Yemen, run by a Salafi cleric named Yahya Hajuri.” Unbelievably, Hajuri is the designated heir to one Muqbil ibn Hadi, who once launched an attack on Mecca and a war against Christians in Indonesia.
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Chesler Chronicles » The Arkansas Shooting as Islamic Jihad. How Will Obama Label the Attack?

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