Wednesday 3 June 2009


The American Messiah to the Middle East...

Blogmaster's Opinion:

Regarding President Obama's Middle East Junket

by Bill Maniaci, 03 June 09

President Barack Hussein Obama, the American Messiah is on his way to the Middle East. He is likely to skip his traditional bow to his old friend, Saudi King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz, because of the bad press at home generated by his last ring-kissing episode.

Rest assured however, that his Muslim roots and prejudice will be abundantly clear as he throws Israel under the bus to impress his hosts and improve American relations with Arab countries. IMHO, his reception in Egypt may not be as enthusiastic as that in Saudi Arabia however as his visit will likely be met with violent demonstrations by hard-line radicals (a shower of shoes???…one can only hope).

In any event, pay attention to his hyperbole regarding his self-perceived influence over Israel. Now would be a good time for Israel to repugn this narcissistic interloping carpetbagger by publically denouncing his perfidious meddling in Israel’s internal affairs and the abrogation of previous understandings between Israel and the United States.
taken from :B'NAI ELIM (

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