Saturday 2 May 2009

Sefer Chabibi Deepest Torah: KEDOSHIM: 19:18 LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF (my secret revealed)

by Rabbi Baruch Binyamin Hakohen Melman

In Leviticus 19:18 there is the most awesome and complicated mitzvah in the Torah:"Love your neighbor as yourself, I am Hashem. Ve'ahavta leReyacha kamocha, ani Hashem."

My secret for remembering that this mitzvah is Lev 19:18 is as follows. Now once I explain my secret I guess it won't be much of a secret anymore, but here goes:

Lev, although short for Leviticus, is also the word in Hebrew for heart. And everybody knows that the word for love in English comes from the Hebrew word for heart, which is Lev.
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Sefer Chabibi Deepest Torah: KEDOSHIM: 19:18 LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF (my secret revealed)

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