Tuesday 12 May 2009


Blogmaster's Comment: I am an American Jew and I am ashamed of my countries betrayal of one of our closest friends and the deliberate sacrifice of brave individuals who were fighting Hizbullah and Islamic Terrorism. The actions of our intelligence community are in this instance, egregious and reprehensible. The assistance given that resulted in the arrest of these men will without doubt, cause their torture and execution at the hands of our enemies. All I can say is “Never Trust the United States”! We screwed the Chinese after WWII, we screwed the Cuban Liberators at the Bay of Pigs, and we betrayed the Vietnamese – handing their country to the Communists and causing the death and torture of thousands. It is no wonder that we are hated around the world. And now what do we do? We push our best friend under the bus. Go figure! .

U.S. helps Lebanon nab Israeli spy rings

This is not a Which-Side-Is-Obama-On-Alert -- like so many short-sighted programs that ultimately aid the global jihad, it began before he was President. It was begun, no doubt, by learned analysts trained in realpolitik and blissfully ignorant of the jihad doctrine and Islamic supremacism. They no doubt believed, and believe, that this would be a good way to win hearts and minds in Lebanon. They probably won't realize how deeply they've aided in the betrayal of a U.S. ally that is on the front line of the jihad until it is too late.
"U.S. helps Lebanon crack alleged Israeli spy rings," by Yoav Stern for Haaretz and AP, May 10 (thanks to Chetz):

Lebanon arrested five people over the weekend suspected of belonging to an intelligence cell transmitting information about Hezbollah to Israel, the most recent arrests in a two-month crackdown apparently aided by American training and equipment.
Al Jazeera TV broadcast images yesterday of a small table containing hidden communication devices, a modem concealing transmission equipment and forged passports - all allegedly used by the suspects.

Hezbollah-controlled Al-Manar television reported that the suspects' job was to collect information on potential targets such as the group's installations and the homes of its leaders.

The suspects are among 17 people allegedly belonging to six espionage cells who have been arrested in Lebanon in the past two months on suspicion of transmitting intelligence information to Israel....

The Internal Security Forces have long been accused of representing the interests of Lebanese parliamentary majority leader Saad Hariri, son of slain prime minister Rafik Hariri, and his supporters.

"This organization is seen as a more reliable one than the army, which still appears to be close to Syria and Hezbollah," one of the sources said.

The United States has provided $1 billion in aid since 2006, including $410 million in security assistance to the Lebanese military and police. But U.S. officials have said they would review aid to Lebanon depending on the results of the June 7 election, which could oust the U.S.-backed government.

Israel has expressed reservations about American aid to the Lebanese army and security services, saying those organizations will ultimately be unable to contend with Hezbollah and that any aid is liable to serve Hezbollah's interests.
taken from : B'NAI ELIM (http://bnaielim.blogspot.com/)

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