Monday 11 May 2009


A nuke for a nuke

Attacking Iran is not only about stopping its nuclear program, but preventing nuclearization of other rogue regimes who are now waiting to see the outcome of international quarrel with Iran.
Destroy Iranian oil refineries, bomb pipelines, stop gasoline deliveries. Iranian economy strained to the extreme. Security build-up for Sistan, Baluchistan, and Kurdistan cost Iran a lot of money. Iran had to scrap long-term economic programs.
Why not hit Ahmadinejad’s plane on his trip to Belarus or similar destination? General Doolittle similarly objected to bombing emperor’s house during the war with Japan.
Iran is not the biggest nuclear threat. The biggest is Pakistan. It supports nuclear development programs in many Muslim countries. Muslim radicals heavily influence Pakistan policies and are strong in its military, especially due to the close security-military-religious cooperation in Kashmir insurgency. Pakistan enjoys Saudi Arabian political and financial backing. Pakistan is basically a front for Saudi Arabia nuclear proliferation activities.
Other Muslim countries are also dangerous. Islamists purchased nuclear waste in Kazakhstan and Albania; some got caught, but probably many other shipments went through. It is unknown whether Libya ended its nuclear program or transferred it to a safer location. Algeria and Morocco have nuclear programs. Jordan intends to build a nuclear reactor under Israeli nose, and with the fall of Jordanian monarchy Palestinians will get a lot of radioactive material for dirty bombs. Egypt can develop nuclear weapons in the matter of years, and Saudi Arabia most likely stocks some of the Pakistani nuclear bombs; Saudi also received top-edge aircraft from the US capable of delivering nuclear bombs into Israel.
Some na”ive souls harbored the dream of North Korea abandoning its nuclear program in return for $300 million foreign aid. The unveiled North Korean nuclear cooperation with Syria dispelled such nonsense. Nuclear weapons are too profitable in strategic and financial terms to part with them. The North Korean ship which delivered nuclear cargo to Syria made two conspicuous stops in Egypt and Lebanon; North Korea cooperates with those countries, too. A ballistic missile strike against North Korean nuclear facilities is the only proper response to its nuclear proliferation efforts. Israel can safely launch the missiles when no hostile satellite watches the area.
Just about every Muslim country, from dangerously large to irrelevantly small, is pursuing some sort of nuclear program, ostensibly peaceful. There are no peaceful nukes. Any nuclear reactor can be used to harvest weapon-grade uranium, and most reactors produce plutonium. These reactors are traditionally thought of as peaceful because harvesting enriched fissile material requires stopping them for weeks or even months, leaving electric power supply short. Muslim regimes, however, can live with power shortages. The Soviet Union built its peaceful reactors with an eye to using them as a backup source of plutonium. Peaceful nuclear proliferation will give Muslim regimes easy access to radiological weapons.
Whatever Israel does to stop nuclear proliferation, the nukes will proliferate. Muslim regimes will be happy to nuke Israel. The only policy that can perhaps prevent that scenario is the announced retaliation against all major Muslim targets: Mecca and Medina, Cairo, Damascus, Tehran, Islamabad, and so on. There are of course Christian countries, notably Russia, which would be equally happy to fry the Jews in nuclear mushroom; they deserve a similar response. When Tel Aviv is annihilated, Israel should not seek saving Haifa but avenging Tel Aviv.
Israel must deal a crushing blow to Islam. Just like the destruction of Jerusalem in 135 signaled a change of Judaism from a state-oriented into purely spiritual religion, so the nuclear destruction of Mecca and Medina with the concomitant radiological contamination will render the concept of jihad senseless. The idea of ripping off the heart of Islam is ambitious but doable and feasible.

taken from B'NAI ELIM (

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