Saturday 2 May 2009


“…My Sabbaths shall you observe…” [Leviticus: 19: 3 and 30]
This week’s parshah contains a large amount of various divine commandments; let’s focus on one.

“…My Sabbaths shall you observe…” [Leviticus: 19: 3 and 30]

The question that many commentators ask is why the plural usage of “Sabbaths” is used. Why couldn’t the verse have just said “My Sabbath shall you observe” in the singular? Furthermore, why didn’t the verse say “Observe the Sabbath”? Why does God speak in a possessive context and refer to it as “My Sabbaths”?

I believe that by calling it “My Sabbaths”, God is hinting to us that we are meant to observe Shabbos in the same manner as He does. How can we know how God observes the Sabbath? Upon creation, the Torah describes to us how God chose the seventh day of rest and depicts, so to speak, how he “observes” Shabbos himself. The verse says:

“On the seventh day God completed His work which He had done, and on the seventh day He rested (שבת) from all His work which He had done” [Genesis: 2: 2]
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