Friday 22 May 2009


Maybe, Perhaps, Possibly

The BBC reports on the arrest of four antisemitic Muslims in New York, who felt the best way to express their anger at American actions in Afghanistan would be to murder Jews in the Bronx.

Note the formulations and parenthesis:
Arrests in New York 'attack plot'
So maybe it was an attack plot and maybe it wasn't.

The men were seized after allegedly planting what they thought were bombs
near two synagogues in the Bronx area.

It is not the BBC's task to tell us what happened and thereby prejudice our ability to serve on a jury, so it leaves us to make up pur own minds about whether the men actually planted anything near synagogues or perhaps not and it's simply an FBI plot.

Presumption of innocence running wild. The word antisemites, meanwhile, isn't printed anywhere, though the official in the video does use it.

taken from:Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations (

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