Friday 8 May 2009

Israel Matzav: Your tax dollars at work and more: The UN 'Human Rights Council'

Your tax dollars at work and more: The UN 'Human Rights Council'

This coming Tuesday, new members of the United Nations 'Human Rights Council' will be elected. As you may recall, one of the sops that the Obama administration threw at the Council when it withdrew from the Durban II conference in Geneva was that it would stand for election to the Council. I've gone through all the reasons why that's a bad idea many times, and besides, Claudia Rosett does it again in this article.

Instead, I want to focus on something else Rosett discusses, of which I was not aware, and of which I am sure many of you were not aware either: the price - yes, the price - that the United States is paying to become a member of the Council:
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Israel Matzav: Your tax dollars at work and more: The UN 'Human Rights Council'

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