Saturday 9 May 2009

Israel Matzav: Were AIPAC delegates instructed to lobby for a 'two-state solution'?

Were AIPAC delegates instructed to lobby for a 'two-state solution'?

Earlier this week, I linked an article from JPost whose headline was that AIPAC was sending its delegates to lobby members of the US Congress to sign a petition endorsing the 'two-state solution.' The article included the following in its text:

In this year's lobbying effort, to take place on Tuesday, the AIPAC thousands will be asking their congressmen to sign on to a letter addressed to Obama that explicitly posits the need for a "viable Palestinian state."

It is expected that the overwhelming majority of the congressmen will sign it.

Read All at :

Israel Matzav: Were AIPAC delegates instructed to lobby for a 'two-state solution'?

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