Sunday 17 May 2009

Israel Matzav: US court ruling may bankrupt the PLO

US court ruling may bankrupt the PLO

It couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of people than the 'Palestinians.'

A United States District Court judge in Rhode Island has rejected a motion to vacate a default judgment against the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), allowing a $116 million judgment in favor of the family of two victims of 'Palestinian' terror to stand. The case involves the family of Yaron and Ephrat Unger HY"D (may God avenge their blood), who were murdered by 'Palestinian' terrorists in 1996. The Ungers left over two children, one of whom was in their car with them when they were murdered, who are being raised by Mrs. Unger's parents. In the process, the judge, Ronald Lagueux of the District of Rhode Island, ripped the PLO and its leadership.
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Israel Matzav: US court ruling may bankrupt the PLO

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