Wednesday 13 May 2009

Israel Matzav: Syria building biological and chemical weapons at destroyed al-Kibar nuclear plant?

Syria building biological and chemical weapons at destroyed al-Kibar nuclear plant?

On September 6, 2007, Israeli jets destroyed what was alleged to be a nuclear reactor located in rural al-Kibar near the Turkish border. In what was widely believed to be a bid to cover up the site, the Syrians flattened it and then built another building on top of it. Now, according to an Israel Radio report that I heard once (and only once) on Monday morning, and an article from Yediot Aharonoth's Hebrew edition that seems to have disappeared from the face of the earth, that building may be in use to construct biological and chemical weapons to be used against Israel. Please allow me to explain.

On Thursday, President Obama surprised a lot of people by extending President Bush's sanctions against Syria for another year.

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Israel Matzav: Syria building biological and chemical weapons at destroyed al-Kibar nuclear plant?

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