Thursday 7 May 2009

Israel Matzav: Obama plans to destroy Israel?

Obama plans to destroy Israel?

Sultan Knish lays out what he says is the Obama administration's plan to destroy Israel. Unfortunately, it is all too plausible (Hat Tip: Doris M).

Obama's people have studied the problem and understand where Carter went wrong. Obama does not want to have the same image problems as Carter in the Jewish community. Should that happen, the Beloved Leader and his lapdog press are fully prepared to unleash a Chavez style hate-on targeting American Jews. But that would be inconvenient and messy. Even with the changing face of America, there are significant differences between the average American and European or Venezuelan, and what kind of ugliness they are willing to tolerate. So Obama's people have split their attention in handling the two factors as two different problems.
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Israel Matzav: Obama plans to destroy Israel?

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