Sunday 24 May 2009

Israel Matzav: Fear of Islam strikes Israeli tourism from the UK (again); UPDATE: Syrian embassy behind complaints

Fear of Islam strikes Israeli tourism from the UK (again); UPDATE: Syrian embassy behind complaints

Just a reminder to all of you that I am in Boston right now, and therefore I may post things from Boston after the Sabbath starts in Israel. As you all know, I do not post on the Sabbath or Jewish holidays wherever I am.

The Jewish Chronicle reports that the poster at top left, which promotes Israeli tourism in the UK, is to be pulled from some 150 underground stations in London because it 'shows the 'West Bank' as being part of Israel' (Hat Tip: NY Nana)

The Israel Government Tourist Office has decided to remove a series of posters at London Underground stations after a complaint was made to the Advertising Standards Authority about a map featured in the poster which shows the Occupied Territories incorporated in Israel.

Read All at :

Israel Matzav: Fear of Islam strikes Israeli tourism from the UK (again); UPDATE: Syrian embassy behind complaints

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