Sunday 17 May 2009

Israel Matzav: Deadline for Iran?

Deadline for Iran?

The Wall Street Journal reported on Friday that the United States and the Europeans have placed an early October deadline to determine whether 'engagement' with Iran is working. But don't get your hopes up. They're not going to attack Iran if engagement doesn't work. Just some more ineffective sanctions.

They also are developing specific benchmarks to gauge Iranian behavior. Those include whether Tehran is willing to let United Nations monitors make snap inspections of Iranian nuclear facilities that are now off-limits, and whether it will agree to a "freeze for freeze" -- halting uranium enrichment in return for holding off on new economic sanctions -- as a precursor to formal negotiations.

The moves are partly driven by concerns in Israel and among Washington's Arab allies that Tehran could drag out negotiations indefinitely while advancing its nuclear program, the officials said.

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Israel Matzav: Deadline for Iran?

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