Friday 8 May 2009

Israel Matzav: Arabs to Obama: 'We like the Saudi plan just fine as it is'

Arabs to Obama: 'We like the Saudi plan just fine as it is'

On Wednesday, I blogged a report from al-Quds al-Arabi that claimed that Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia would be making some changes to the 'Saudi plan' to vitiate the existence of the Jewish state to make it more palatable to the potential victims. This was to be done in response to an entreaty from the Obama administration.

But the two entities that the Americans would like to have sign treaties with Israel - Syria and the 'Palestinian Authority' - said later on Wednesday and Thursday that they are just peachy keen on the 'Saudi plan' as it is, and that they are not willing to see any changes to it. Here is the Syrian reaction.
Read All at :

Israel Matzav: Arabs to Obama: 'We like the Saudi plan just fine as it is'

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