Friday 8 May 2009

Chesler Chronicles » Israel’s Fate: Central to the Survival of the West

Israel’s Fate: Central to the Survival of the West

And so, my esteemed colleagues, Melanie Phillips and Caroline B. Glick, have both concluded that organized American Jewry, including AIPAC, do not have the spine to back Israel as President Obama tries to “throw Israel under the bus.” (Phillips has just informed me that, in a subsequent article, she acknowledges that AIPAC’S presentation was more “nuanced” than she’d originally been led to believe).

Glick reminds us–we, (that’s the royal “we”), need no reminding that AIPAC behaved shamefully in the matter of the persecution of Steven J. Rosen and Keith Weissman. May I congratulate Dr. Daniel Pipes for having hired Steven J. Rosen long before he and Keith Weissman were both exonerated . Their exoneration should lead to the exoneration and release of Larry Franklin as well.

I wonder what will lead to Jonathan Pollard’s pardon and release? The Coming of the Messiah? Not even then?
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Chesler Chronicles » Israel’s Fate: Central to the Survival of the West

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