Friday 22 May 2009

Chesler Chronicles » Homegrown Islamic Jihad in the Bronx: Now We Are All Israelis

Homegrown Islamic Jihad in the Bronx: Now We Are All Israelis

Riverdale, in the Bronx, is a gloriously leafy, hilly, and peaceful suburb. I have visited its extraordinary gardens and gracious homes which overlook the Hudson river. More often, I’ve visited a close friend and her family who live there. I have studied, dined, and prayed with them. I have attended lectures at Riverdale synagogues. Riverdale is as close to me, both personally, psychologically, and geographically, as was the World Trade Center.

In response to a gruesome series of Islamic-Palestinian synagogue bombings in Europe, police officers guarded Europe’s synagogues and Jewish Centers. Now, synagogues all over New York City, tend to have barricades or some kind of police presence outside. We are now all Israelis: Not just the Jews, but the world’s civilians.

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Chesler Chronicles » Homegrown Islamic Jihad in the Bronx: Now We Are All Israelis

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