Tuesday 19 May 2009

Chesler Chronicles » The Blood Libels at National Geographic Magazine: The Planet-Friendly Purveyer of Anti-Christian, Anti-American, and Anti-Israeli Biases.

The Blood Libels at National Geographic Magazine: The Planet-Friendly Purveyer of Anti-Christian, Anti-American, and Anti-Israeli Biases.

What worries me more are the movies and plays that subtly and inexorably shift the civilian point of view, movies which glamorize Arab tyrants and terrorists and demonize Israeli soldiers, “settlers” and politicians. Gradually, almost imperceptibly, ordinary people have come to believe that the Muslim world is peaceful, friendly, safe; that its “rough edges” are due to it’s having formerly been oppressed by Europe; that Islamist terrorism has probably been caused by the United States’ invasion of Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan; that much of this is Israel’s fault—or rather, that much of this may now be solved if only America sacrifices Israel for the sake of world peace, including its own survival.

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Chesler Chronicles » The Blood Libels at National Geographic Magazine: The Planet-Friendly Purveyer of Anti-Christian, Anti-American, and Anti-Israeli Biases.

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