Saturday 9 May 2009

The adventures of 'Milton' - Nazi spy in Eretz Israel - Haaretz - Israel News

The adventures of 'Milton' - Nazi spy in Eretz Israel

By Yossi Melman, Haaretz Correspondent
Tags: Israel news, Nazi, spy

Twelve years ago, a friend handed an envelope to Gad Shimron. At the time, Shimron was the Israeli daily Ma'ariv's correspondent in Germany, and he was occupied with tying up loose ends as the end of his stint in Germany loomed. He didn't bother looking at the contents of the envelope.

It was only a few years ago that Shimron finally got around to looking inside the envelope, when he moved from one apartment to another. In the envelope, shimron discovered a historical treasure, which he incorporated into his new novel "The Templer's Lover from Emek Refa'im" (Matar) - which tells the story of a love affair between a Hadassah nursing school student and a Jerusalem German Colony native, which sparked uproar in the thirties and forties.

The book combines fictional details with historical fact as Shimron exposes a historical event that has never before been published: the story of a spy for the Abwehr - a Nazi intelligence organization - who operated in Palestine while it was under a British mandate during World War II. The documents in the fateful envelope were apparently from this spy's operations dossier. The spy's code name was Milton.
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The adventures of 'Milton' - Nazi spy in Eretz Israel - Haaretz - Israel News

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