Thursday 2 April 2009


The top item on Haaretz' website this morning is a poll that tells of 54% dissatisfaction with Netanyahu's government. The government was sworn in towards midnight yesterday, and Haaretz goes to press at, I dunno, probably 3:30 am, so either the folks were polled at 1:30 am, or - more likely - they were polled during the final hours of the previous government. I recognize that the stone-age tradition of allowing a government 100 days of grace is hopelessly anachronistic, but perhaps we might wait ten days? Ten hours? A hundred minutes?

It's not only Israel. Over at the Guardian Jonathan Freedman, a (comparatively) sane voice, bemoans that Obama, coming to a meeting in London today, hasn't yet saved the world; matter of fact, he isn't even JFK! As I never tire of mentioning in these cases, JFK was a mediocre president at best and it's not clear why Obamaites think he's a model they ought to be striving for. On a more serious note, the thought that any American president could successfully figure out the job in less than a year, even without global recession, is childish. Two years would be more plausible. For those who lack enough fingers to count with, Obama also is still in his first hundred days.


taken from:Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations (

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