Tuesday 28 April 2009


The Central Bureau of Statistics published some numbers about Israel's population, as every year the day before Independence Day. Almost 7.5 million Israelis, 75.5% Jews, 20.2% Arabs, and 4.8% neither (these are mostly Russians who arrived here since 1990 and are culturally Jewish but not halachically so - an issue I've written about in the past). You can find additional factoids here, if you read Hebrew.
The numbers were presented at a press conference by the head of the Demography Department of the Bureau, a fellow by the name of Ahmed Halichal. Heh.
taken from:Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations (http://yaacovlozowick.blogspot.com/)

1 comment:

  1. http://www.mererhetoric.com/archives/11275571.html US-Funded Racist "Palestinian-Islamic" Apartheid Government Will Execute Man Who Sold Land To Enemy Religion


    No, this is REAL APARTHEID, this is not the usual buzz word of that "ficticious" apartheid slur on pluralistic democratic Israel, where its 20-25% Arabs (remind me again how many Jews are allowed to reside in 1005 ethnic cleansed Judenrein fascist "Palestine" authority???) are not only equal citizents but are often treated in preferencial treatment OVER Israeli Jws, such as in: court cases, in Hebron land issues and standards in the universities as "affirmative action", not to mention the unfairness of Israeli Arabs NOT serving in the military yet having the same rights as Israeli Jews...

    And those hypocrite racist Arabs dare to shout "apartheid"???
