Sunday 5 April 2009


Yesterday a Palestinian man armed himself with an ax and made his way to a Jewish settlement to murder civilians (there's no army base there). Once there he hacked a child to death, started on an even smaller child, was then stopped by a local, but managed to escape. Since the security forces know who he is, it's only a matter of time before he's caught.

There are additional parts of the story, that make for all sorts of shadows, though they're shadows that can work in both directions. Oddly, this blog doesn't seem to attract many pro-Palestinian readers, or even plain antisemites who couldn't give a damn about the Palestinians but love them for their enmity to Israel, but I encourage those who are here to register their comments about those shadows, that I may hold them up to light.

Until then, however, note the fundamental difference between Israel and the Palestinians. Remember the squall of hand-wringing we had recently about some Palestinian civilians who weren't shot? Not to mention the larger question of waging war in Gaza. Compare that to this: the coldblooded murder of children, and silence at best from the society of the perpetrator; in some future round of negotiations the murderer will be sprung from an Israeli jail as a freedom fighter whose return home is a necessary condition of normal relations.
taken from:Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations (

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