Tuesday 28 April 2009

Israel Matzav: Obama to find ways to fund Hamas and Hezbullah: What could go wrong?

Obama to find ways to fund Hamas and Hezbullah: What could go wrong?

In an earlier post, I noted that the Obama administration has proposed a none-too-subtle change in the criteria for engaging with Hamas. The Obama administration has proposed that the three conditions for negotiating with the terror organization (abandonment of terror, recognition of Israel and recognition of past agreements) be abandoned to allow Hamas to enter into a unity government with Fatah which in turn would 'accept' those conditions. That proposal, outlined in testimony by Secretary of State Clinton in congressional testimony last week, has apparently awoken some pro-Israel Representatives out of their catatonic stupors.
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Israel Matzav: Obama to find ways to fund Hamas and Hezbullah: What could go wrong?

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