Tuesday 28 April 2009

Israel Matzav: King Abdullah discusses Israel on Meet the Press

King Abdullah discusses Israel on Meet the Press

The King of Palestine appeared on Meet the Press on Sunday. Many of you know him as the King of Jordan, but Jordan, which is 78% of the former territory of Mandatory Palestine, was given to King Abdullah's family in 1920 by the British as a consolation prize for having lost Saudi Arabia to that other Arab Sheikhdom. During the 19 years that Abdullah's father and grandfather controlled the 'West Bank,' they felt no need to create a 'Palestinian state.' But now that Israel is in control, Abdullah will tell you that creating a 'Palestinian state' will solve all of the Muslim world's problems, from Morocco to Pakistan(!) and beyond. Yes, it's all the Jooooos' fault.
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Israel Matzav: King Abdullah discusses Israel on Meet the Press

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