Wednesday 22 April 2009

Israel Matzav: Is someone trying to create a diplomatic incident with the US?

There are some very strange goings on over at the Jerusalem Post.

On Sunday night, the Post reported that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has 'canceled' a trip to the AIPAC conference May 3-5 ostensibly because US President Obama 'refuses' to meet with him.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Sunday canceled his plans to attend the upcoming AIPAC summit, after it became clear that US President Barack Obama would not meet him during the conference.

The paper then went on to report that the Prime Minister has asked Shimon Peres to take his place. Note that there is no source or byline for that article - it was written by "JPost staff."
Read All in:
Israel Matzav: Is someone trying to create a diplomatic incident with the US?

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