Wednesday 22 April 2009

Israel Matzav: Aide to 'moderate' Fayyad: Death penalty for Palis selling land to Jews

As the Obama administration attempts to deliver a Judenrein (Jew-free) reichlet to the 'Palestinian Authority,' the 'moderate' 'Palestinians' attempt to ensure that none of their own sell any land on which they wish to establish that reichlet to Jews.

On Sunday, YNet reported that an investigation into land sales by 'Palestinians' to Jews in the eastern half of Jerusalem had been closed due to pressure by the Israeli authorities. The pressure was brought to bear because under the Oslo accords, the 'Palestinians' are not allowed to arrest people in Jerusalem, and because the people they were arresting were made Israeli citizens when Israel incorporated the entire city into Israel's borders shortly after the 1967 Six Day War.

Israel does not allow the 'Palestinian Authority' to arrest Israeli citizens - even if they happen to be Arabs.
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Israel Matzav: Aide to 'moderate' Fayyad: Death penalty for Palis selling land to Jews

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