Friday 6 March 2009


Rebbegeld is what one pays the rebbe for teaching the kids; figuratively it means the costs we bear to learn life's lessons.

Herb Kenion thinks he's sees a pattern of the Obama administration learning curve in matters of foreign affairs. First, assume Bush had it all wrong, and we'll do it better. Second, send some representatives to listen to the putative Bad Guys, to find a way of engaging them. Third, recognize that they really are problamatic, and revert to a stance that's quite similar to the previous one. (Fourth, he doesn't say, never ever admit that the previous gang more or less knew what it was doing).

So it was with Durban 2, with Iraq, now with Syria, soon to be with Iran... I can live with it. If it makes more Americans happy for having tried to play nice, while enough of their adminsitration are capable of admitting failure, I have no problem with the rebbegeld.
taken from : Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations (

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