Thursday 5 February 2009


Jonathat Freedland, a Jewish columnist at the Guardian, writes that he's disappointed in his fellow Lefties who are allowing harsh criticism of Israel to spill over into violence against the Jews of the UK.

It's an interesting article, but the comments (there are 632 of them as I write) seem mostly to disagree: Israel is abominable, Jonathan, and you're worrying about some local Jews who's feelings are hurt?

I especially liked this comment:

I have seen very, very few anti Jewish remarks on CiF but hundreds of accusations of being anti Jewish. In this climate, where genuine criticism is deliberately confused with racist criticism the accusation of antisemitism loses all meaning.

So I completely agree with Jonathan Freedland's sentiments, however the instances of antisemitism are a tiny fraction of the instances where people are called antisemitic just because calling the other guy names can be used to justify Israeli murder.
taken from : Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations (

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