Friday 23 January 2009


Sometimes I think that people has gone mad. An awful disease has taken possession of the minds of europeans. They can, no more, differentiate right from wrong or fantasy from reality.
Once more, a stratagem clouds their vision so what they can see is only what a deceitful foe wants.
Governements and public opinion are being misleaded, lured into a trap they should know very well. Antisemitism. Yes, Europe, nowadays, is ready to make the same mistakes that in the past brought war and death to the continent.
Recent events show that authorities are more preoccupied in not to offend the sensibility of the muslim minorities even at the cost of the civil liberties of the europeans.
Fortunately there are still people who can think by themselves. People who can see the danger approaching and still have the courage to denounce it .
This article was published in the portuguese weekly publication "Expresso" (17/01/09) and was writen by Henrique Raposo. Here's the translation :
Western Europe has two intelectual sports that turn around the figure of the "jew". In the historical jogging, typical european only talks of the Holocaust's victims. "History" and "Holocaust" are synonymous in old Europe's dictionary. In the international politic's jogging, europeans spend their lives criticizing Israel's actions. Besides, a good part of the europeans thinks that criticizing Telaviv is the same as having a sustained thought about international politics. But amounting these most sonorous official joggings, we are going to find a third european sport related to the "jew". But this third sport is a concealed and silent one. I am, as obvious, talking about of the "politically correct" jogging; that who bleaches the antisemitism of the muslims living in Europe. However, this matter never deserves to be made noteworthy in the european agenda.
Since September 11th. Jewish communities in France, United Kingdom, Netherlands and Germany had been violently attacked by radical muslims. Answering this, european authorities advised jews to hide the signs of their jewishness. In face of such an immense kindness, many european jews are immigrating to Israel. And what does journalists and politicians say about this problem ? Nothing. The antisemitism of european muslims is a tabu. A tabu that results from the epistemological fascism imposed by the politically correct. In this strange intelectual ambient, to criticize radical islam is the same as being "racist", and pointing the finger at islamic antisemitism can only be the sign of a deep "islamicophobia". Here is, therefore, the remarkable contradiction imposed by the semantic fascism that everyone knows by the nickname of "politically correct": we can talk about the antisemitism of the europeans who died in 1945, but we are prohibited to comment the antisemitism of the muslims who live here and now. In 2009 the "good european" must hyperbolize the white man's antisemitism (located in our memory) and, at the same time, must bleach islamic antisemitism (located in our everyday life)

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