Thursday 1 January 2009


The readers of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, the FAZ, are mostly conservative, but their paper is the most important in the country. Today the paper has an online poll, asking if the Israeli operation is justified or not. I've been watching it for a few hours, and the numbers have inched slightly in the wrong direction, but as I write 72.58% of the responders justify Israel, and 1.3% think Israel is right but over-reacting. (1.41% think things are too complicated to tell). Fewer than a quarter (24.71% at the moment) blame Israel for blocking peace initiatives.

Such polls never have statistical significance, since the participants are not chosen randomly, but it's interesting to note that about 130,000 people have responded; since it's a German publication, it's unlikely that Israeli or American Jews have piled in to ensure the result they want.

Is it possible that a decade of the Islamist War Against Mankind is beginning to make an impression? I don't know, but if so, better many years too late than never.
taken from : Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations (

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