Sunday 4 January 2009


Posted by Mordechai Friedfertig at 10:35 PM
remplaza_fecha('03 January 2009');

Rav Aviner has made the following announcement on every one of his weekly radio shows over the last month:

After 23 years in federal prison, it is time for Jonathan Pollard to go home to Israel. Your phone calls and letters can help make that happen.

Yes, Jonathan Pollard committed a crime. However, in light of his 23 years of incarceration (seven of which were spent in solitary confinement), the disproportionate sentence that he received, his repeated expressions of remorse for his actions, and his deteriorating health, it is time for Jonathan Pollard to be set free. We need your help now more than ever. With President Bush set to leave office on January 20, 2009, time is of the essence. It is customary for Presidents to pardon many people at the end of their term. It is critical that the White House hear from as many people as possible in the next several weeks. They count up the calls and report them to the President.
Just a few moments of your time daily can help Jonathan Pollard regain his freedom. He needs your help now.
- Call the President at the White House at (202) 456-1111 or (202) 456-1414
- Send a fax to the President at the White House at (202) 456-2461
- If you are in Israel, it is also possible to call the White House by dialing 077-566-4305 and it is only a local call!
With respect, say to President Bush: "Please free Jonathan Pollard now."
For more information:
taken from : Torat HaRav Aviner (

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