Friday 26 December 2008


Blogmaster: This cartoon from A7 says volumes...It expresses the frustration, the attitude and feelings of guilt that the Soldiers and Commanders in IDF feel when they see the enemy given a free hand in the relentless murder of Israeli citizens. I'll say it again: Shame on you Ehud Barak, and Shame on you Ehud Olmert. Hamas must be squashed like a cockroach, you know it, we know it, and the world knows it. You are making Israel the laughing stock of the world. No other nation would tolerate such aggression. You say you have authorized the IDF to make battle plans...what dreck! Everyone knows that the IDF stands at the ready and have been so since last summer. Your lies make you look like idiots because you actually believe that we will swallow them. It is time that the Citizens of Israel take the appropriate action necessary to throw our crooked and disgraced politicians out and while we are at it...let's make sure that the crazies who want to pacify our enemies never warm a seat in the Knesset with their cowardly toucheses again. When we vote, we must vote for the preservation of Israel. In my heart of hearts, I know that the future of Israel is not in the hands of the politicians...our future is in the hands of our Soldiers and their Commanders in the IDF. Please, turn them loose on the enemy before it is too late. Already you have allowed Hamas to arm themselves to the teeth, train as a regular military force, and build complex defenses that will surely cost our soldiers dearly. The Israeli blood that will most certainly be shed when you decide that the time has come to go into Gaza will be on your hands forever.

taken from B'NAI ELIM (

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