Thursday 12 June 2008


"For though the world has stood up and stopped the bastard, the bitch that bore him is in heat again." -Brecht
I'm sure that no one in his perfect mind wants to go back to the dark years before 1974. But, the way things are going around here, the ghost of old times is haunting, once more, our hard earned freedom.
I know that they are a small number with a little expression in our politics, but they are growing, slowly, fed by the crisis this country is living.
They march in the streets, like they made two days ago "celebrating" the country's national day, getting the support of young people ( who ignores anything about the past ) and also the approval of some old folks, (for whom the bad situation they are living, they think, is due to the democratic regime), taking advantage to release their fallacious proposals, spreading the poison of intolerance and hate.
I think that we are not paying much attention to the danger we are living. Taking anything for granted is a terrible mistake that lead people to think that democracy is here to stay, that nothing can endanger its existence. A mistake that costed dearly to many nations in the not so remote past. Times of crisis, of social unresting, unemployment, poverty, crime, are a fertile ground for the beast to lay down its seeds of hate, and watch them grow while planning the harvest.
On the other hand those who rise their voices against the rebirth of nazi/fascist tendencies ( most of them linked to the democratic parties of the regime) only ask repressive measures against the threat, and are unable to understand that repression is only part of what must be done against this slime of mankind. If we want to put an end to the danger we must go deeper into what has be done. There are things that must change in order to deny the far-right its recruiting ground.
Souls and minds must be won in this battle against the dark forces that are menacing us. People must be shown that nothing in their lives is going to get better if they give away their freedom. More; if they choose to give any chance to those creatures to reach power, it will be the last thing they will choose freely for a long, long time. But this is not enough. Politics must change. It is time that the politicians who led us to this situation be blamed for their actions. Those who promised everything to be elected and, in turn, gave people unemployment, poverty, more taxes ; those who condemn our old folks to a slow death, denying them the health assistance they need, destroying the social security they badly need; those who deny any hopeful future to the younger; those are the ones that must answer for this situation. They in their proud egos are the ones that are opening the doors to the advance of those who hate freedom. A good politician must pay attention to the needs of the population he represents. A cabinet who works for the welfare of the people can make the difference. Things won't be easy, but if the reasons of discontentement are eradicated, those who persist in their dark purposes, soon, will be left alone, cuted down to a meaningless bunch of intelectually deficient persons, for no one will pay attention to their lies anymore.
Also all efforts must be made to unmask those ideologies of hate amongst the younger generations. What happened in the past must be shown deeply, not just superficially like it is done nowadays. Today's nazi/fascist ( and other anti-semitic) organisations are investing in something, injurious, called "historical revisionism", in order to "clean" the crimes they perpetrated in the past. Obviously, youth is a prior target to the ambitions of this scum.
To oppose them with efficacy we need more than repressive measures. Our goal must be to restain the access of the people's minds and souls from our ennemy's campaigns.
Truth shall make you free. So, untiringly, truth must be shown in order to destroy their lies.
We can never forget the beast's principle :"A lie repeated a thousand times becomes the truth."

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