Monday 23 June 2008


A lecture Al Jazeera's Viewers will not soon forget

Prof. Mordechai Kedar of the Arab Studies Department in Bar-Ilan University was an unusual guest on Al Jazeera's Arabic channel.
He was interviewed on Jerusalem day and used the stage given to him to defend Jerusalem as Israel's capital in a heated debate. Prof. Kedar was interviewed by one of Al Jazeera's top journalists. When asked about Israel's intentions to build housing units in areas beyond the Green Line (1967 border) in Jerusalem he answered:
"To tell you the truth I don't quite understand this. Must Israel ask permission from some other authority in the world? It has been our capital for 3,000 years. We have been there since the time your forefathers used to drink wine, bury their daughters alive, and pray to multiple gods... why must we speak about this? It has been our city for 3,000 years and will be for eternity.
"He then continue to stun his interviewer and probably most of Al Jazeera's viewers by claiming Jerusalem was never mentioned in the Quran and that the West Bank is not occupied territory.
Putting political opinions aside, Prof. Kedar sure gave Al Jazeera a performance they will not soon forget.

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