Friday 20 June 2008


My father used to say that there is only two ways to approach a promlem: the good way and the bad way. If the good approach is chosen then the problem is solved. But, instead, if your choice is poor things will remain bad. He also used to say that some people, when facing a crisis, believe that if they try to reason with their foe, making concessions, perhaps they will overcome the threat.
"Never try to get peace at any price", said him,"you are only buying time to become weaker, and, on the other hand, giving strenght to your enemy. Soon you will have nothing more to give, the he will anihilate you."
I could never understand how people can be deceived by the good intentions of an opponent when he says: "let's talk about peace", when the only peace he knows is the one given by the graves of his enemies.
How can anyone in his perfect mind believe that can be any "peace talk" with his sworn enemy, whose intentions are the complete anihilation of a people ?
The enemy wants, of course, "mesmerize" public opinion worldwide. In the first place by presenting himself as a "victim"; if he is a victim it can only be of his own acts of agression and terror. Then, the next step, will be to convince everybody that he only wants peace, and so on.
This trick works when covered by televisions, newspapers, etc. Soon opinion-makers, politicians, "anti"-war organisations, assorted "human"-rights groups are crying for the fate of those "poor souls", who until now are living under occupation.
Really, this world didn't learn anything with the last century's lessons. In the "thirties" of the 20th century, democratic nations surrendered time after time to the demands of a maniac. They gave and gave until there was nothing more to be given. In the name of peace, populations were left in the hands of barbarism. Did it work ? No. The rope was streched until its limits and broke; then war came.
Europe burned in the fires that cowardice helped to light.
Even then, although sounds of alarm were echoing in the cabinets of free nations, they choosed to remain silent and looked the other way. Only at the end of the war recognized the slaughter that had been committed. By their ommissions they helped in the murder of 6 millions.
If not for that "death wish" of peace at any price, nazism would be stopped as soon he started gambling with the desire to avoid confrontation (read cowardice) of the democratic nations.
But in present times the mistake is being done once more. Leaders of nations are "breaking" under the pressure of terrorism. They preffer not to rise problems, and let those perpetretors of hate and violence impose their points of view, than to react and stop the blackmail.
Once more they think in terms of peace at any price. Does Oil have anything to do with that ?
So in order to put away problems from their homes, they are gambling with the lives of millions.
They are only postponing a problem that sooner or later they must have to deal with.
And when at last, inevitably, war comes, then, maybe, it will be too late, once more.
Rome had a saying : "Se vis pace, para bellum" and I believe this is true.

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