Thursday 29 May 2008


I couldn't help it. I was drinking my coffe, in a Café near my house, when the conversation betwen two women seated at a table just in front of me called to my attention. Usually I don't listen to the conversation of others, but the passion they were using in their dialogue, made me, unwillingly, aware of what they were saying.
The two women were talking about their children. I don't remember much of what they said to each other, but one phrase remained; one woman was saying to the other:
-My little daughter asked me yesterday one curious thing to wich I wasn't able to give an answer. She said to me: mom, why you, adults, always demand that we, kids, must do what we have promised to do ? Instead, you, grown up, break your promises most of the time.
And that's all I kept from the conversation. But enough to arise in my mind serious thoughts.
When we are kids the adults teach us to draw a line between what is right and what is wrong. They always make us honour our promises: -young man (or girl) you must do what you have promised to do, or: - you gave your word, now you must honour it, and still: - a promise is a promise and can't be broken no matter the costs, etc...
But what happens when we grow up ?
Generally the "real world", the one that was left to us, slowly turn our concepts and distort them into something awfully different from the notions we were taught in.
Society makes you a liar; one little lie here, one more tomorrow, and, soon, you'll be distorting truth to the conveniences of your career. And this goes on and on until you hit the top; then you're the image of success but also a "travesti" of a human being.
Blessed are the ones who keep, along their earthly life, the heart of a child. I think this is true and I always ask the Allmighty to keep me that way.
A shame that some politicians I know are unable to think the same way.

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