Saturday 10 May 2008


It was a long time ago. Years, ages to me, that I stepped a stage for the last time.

I still remember a certain play: I played the Devil in one of Master Gil Vicente's Acts, "The Act of The Soul".

I was what you call an "amateur", I loved (and still I do) to perform, and to play the Devil was my speciality.

I even scandalised half-world (well, a lot of people, several dozens, to be exact) when asked about the character I thought to be the most important in the play (The Act of The Soul).

Thoughtlessly I answered : The Devil.

For some time there were some Christian's mothers souls that kept their daughters (or at least tried to) away from me. I thought they really believed I was the devil, never realizing that were my imprudent words (in Portugal'sixties the majority of the people had a real fear and respect to the Catholic Church) that had arisen such reactions.

I went acting for sometime, until I had to choose between my passion and the need to feed my family.

If this event ocurred today, for sure I would say the same thing, but this time, when those scandalised faces showed their displeasure, at last I would know what to answer back:

- Of course the Devil is the most important character in the play. For sure is not the soul, she is there only to be driven to heaven or hell. The Angel ? Don't make me laugh, he only has to play the soul's watch-dog. If someone is doing the heavy work in the play it is the Devil.

If there is something extremely difficult to do is to tempt someone. You have to spend a lot of time and to use the best of your class to convert a soul to your kingdom of hell, and work your way, into the soul defences, with that pain-in-the-ass of an angel, always nagging around.

And if you still don't believe me just ask any propaganda's guru.

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