Saturday 17 May 2008


You can change everything if you want to.
Yes, you. No one else but you have the power to do it. It is within your reach; your arm's reach and your will's too.
But instead you do nothing.
Oh, yes, from time to time, you put your confidence into some fellows, in a ceremony you call elections. You delegate your power on a fancy-looking, good-talking man (or woman) to "fight" for you, make the laws for you and above all to think for you, so you can rest in your sofa, watching endless "soaps", football matches and all the stupefying stuff the T.V. has to entertain you.
And then, with no surprise, when things go wrong, when the dude you had elected betrays your hopes, you protest.
You mumble, you demonstrate marching in the streets, you demand a new policy. You discover that this government is worst than the former, that he is suffocating your life with taxes and , also, he is stealing your freedom away.
From the time the guys, you elected, grab the power until they leave, you are crying for a change.
When at last a new election comes you run into another fancy-looking, good-talking chap, saying: -"This is the One !", and put the power into his hands.
So, once more, it is the same damn thing...
You just got what you have chosen!!!
So, what are you complaining about ?

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