Thursday 15 May 2008


I wonder where you are and what you are doing tonight. I just hope that everything is alright with you, and that finally you have found the peace and wealth you deserve so much.
Although being apart I heard some disturbing news about you and your family. Crossing information that came to me by the mouth of refugees with the news released by the press, I realized that your situation was not good at all.
Today, so it seems, all is quiet down there. But sometimes the dark interests of our governments silence the misfortunes and anguishes of the peoples. That is why I don't believe in governments anymore: they just are machines of repression working for the benefit of the rulling classes.
Years ago we had our dreams; we belived in freedom, justice and a better world.
We, children of the revolution dreamt with a world free of the chains of slavery.
Noble wishes that never came true.
And one day you had gone.
In those long gone days we said goodbye to each other. You had just won a Country. I stayed in the one we once shared as ours. I was glad for you.
Then the world we dreamt came crumbling down on both sides of the sea.
Since then I haven't heard from you anymore.
How I wish I could listen to your voice once more.
How I wish I could talk to you...and tell you what I never was able to...
Maybe someday, M'Alice !!!

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