Sunday 18 May 2008

PETITION TO CHINESE PRESIDENT HU JINTAO (Taken from : Bloggers Unite for Human Rights)

Petition to Chinese President Hu Jintao:

As citizens around the world, we call on you to show restraint and respect for human rights in your response to the protests in Tibet, and to address the concerns of all Tibetans by opening meaningful dialogue with the Dalai Lama. Only dialogue and reform will bring lasting stability. China’s brightest future, and its most positive relationship with the world, lies in harmonious development, dialogue and respect.

After nearly 50 years of Chinese rule, the Tibetans are sending out a global cry for change. But violence is spreading across Tibet and neighboring regions, and the Chinese regime is right now considering a choice between increasing brutality or dialog, that could determine the future of Tibet and China.

China is a sprawling, diverse country with much brutality in its past, so it has good reasons to be concerned about stability - some of Tibet’s rioters killed innocent people. But President Hu must recognize that the greatest danger to Chinese stability and development today comes from hardliners who advocate escalating repression, not from those Tibetans seeking dialog and reform.

We can affect this historic choice. China does care about its international reputation. Its economy is totally dependent on “Made in China” exports that we all buy, and it is keen to make the Olympics in Beijing this summer a celebration of a new China that is a respected world power.
President Hu needs to hear that ‘Brand China’ and the Olympics can succeed only if he makes the right choice. But it will take an avalanche of global people power to get his attention. Click below to join me and sign a petition to President Hu calling for restraint in Tibet and dialogue with the Dalai Lama — and tell absolutely everyone you can right away.

The petition is organized by Avaaz, and they were aiming to reach 1 million signatures to deliver directly to Chinese officials. 1,672,416 have signed–1 million target reached in just 7 days! The petition will grow and be delivered until talks begin… help us get to 2,000,000

References:Prominent Tibetan Figure Held by ChinaTibetan TV reporter and entertainer detained in ChinaHow Open Is the International Internet?Related posts found on this blog:WordPress: Bloggers Unite for Human RightsBloggers Unite for Human Rights
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