Friday 16 May 2008


There's one scene in the film "The Fall of the Roman Empire", when emperor Commodus (Christopher Plummer) is dying at the hands of Livius (Stephen Boyd), that I will never forget.
Commodus is exhaling in the arms of his killer and whispers to Livius: "...if you listen very carefully you'll hear the gods laughing".
This sentence still echoes in my mind when something happens:a crisis, a painful episode or an unexpected developement coming to an end. When everything calms down, when peace and silence claim their rights over recently stroken lives, then, I use to rise my eyes up at the sky and, with no surprise, I visiualise a mocking Commodus saying:
-"...if you listen very carefully you'll hear the gods laughing".
We, humans, allways want to find a reason for everything that happens, specially if it is bad. We have the need to lay down the blame on something or someone: we blame nature,God, government or each other. Everything or everyone within our reach is good to put the blame on, with one exception...ourselves.
Indeed, if we listen very carefully we'll hear the gods laughing !!!

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